Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Climate Change Causes Alarming Rise in Dark Humor

By Daniel Rigney

I follow @God on Twitter (no joke). According to @God, “I’m not a parody account. You’re a parody universe.”

Also according to @God, here are the Five Stages of Global Warming.

1. Denial
2. Guilt
3. Depression
4. Acceptance
5. Drowning

This play on Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying is just one instance of the sort of dark humor that’s erupting all over the place these days as our species slowly awakens to the serious reality of climate change.

Treating painful subjects with the first aid of morbid humor is nothing new. Jonathan Swift invoked dark humor in A Modest Proposal when he suggested that a sensible solution to the Irish potato famine was to eat children. So did Mark Twain in Letters from the Earth, where he described Homo sapiens as the botched experiment of an absent-minded mad-scientist God who’s long since forgotten about us.

Now, it seems, we’re cracking wise again in response to the slow-motion disaster movie of climate change. It’s as though we’re watching the film frame by frame – each frame only slightly different from the one before – and just now realizing that these frames comprise a longer movie that our descendents will have to suffer through. Let’s pretend it’s a comedy with a funny ending.
Climate change humor is already the subject of hundreds of  editorial cartoons, videos, and joke compilations. Here’s a non-random sample:

You know global warming is real when chickens start laying hardboiled eggs.

Cartoon: A guy wearing a blindfold says, “Climate change? I don’t see the problem.”

Well, at least we’re winning the war on the environment.
You get the idea.  Here are a few of my own:

Heard about the new Humvee Hybrid? It runs on gasoline and coal.

How many climate change deniers does it take to change an LED? “What’s an LED?”

How do you sell the existence of global warming to the NRA?  Tell them it’s packing heat.

What nation exports the most climate change? Texas.

Did you know the United States may lose three states by 2100?  Hawaii, Rhode Island and Florida.

Where will Miami be located? The Atlantic Ocean.

What will destroy it? Hurricane Mario.
(Senator Rubio continues to practice politically strategic denial.) 
  Not really a funny subject. I know.

Here’s an article claiming there has never been a “man walks into the bar” joke about climate change. I aim to change that now.

A climatologist walks into a crowed bar and cries “Fire in ten years!” No one cares.

 -- originally posted in Danagram 
as Rimshot the Sitdown Comic

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